Geropa Sport NV operates in an efficient and customer-oriented manner. Geropa Sport NV headquarters is located in Belgium, where all the operations are coordinated.The team of 7 people works here in:
R&D: All the collections are developed by the R&D department in Hamont. This “close to the market” development centre makes it possible for us to be ready to work on new articles in short term. All sampling is done at the production facility of the R&D department in Hamont.
Sales: the customer service centre is located in the office in Hamont. The account managers here are involved in all the processes in the respective factories. They follow closely the production planning and its execution to make sure that everything can be delivered on time. The delivery performance of Geropa Sport is extremely high.
Management: due to the fact that Geropa Sport NV is fully in charge of the operations in the factories, the performed activities can be highly customer-focused. Required investments in new technologies, raw materials, infrastructure, staff, and processes are implemented, if they’re deemed necessary.